
5th Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science (GWP.2025)

(Bild: FAU/Erich Malter)

The German Society for Philosophy of Science (Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie – GWP) was founded in September 2011 with the aim to better integrate the community of philosophers of science and academics interested in philosophy of science in Germany and thereby to promote the field at a local and international level. The GWP organizes an international conference every three years.

Their fifth conference will be hosted by the FAU Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion (ZIWIS) at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg and co-hosted by its Institut für Philosophie from 24th until 26th of March 2025. The ZIWIS pursues the goal of understanding philosophy of science in an application-oriented way and linking it with other areas of science studies, which is characterized by the concept of “Wissenschaftsreflexion” (“reflection on science”).

The GWP.2025 will comprise around 130 submitted talks in numerous sections ranging from General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, AI, Physics and Biology to Science and Society, Science and Values and History of Science and many more.

In addition, there will be six symposia as well as six plenary lectures by our keynote speakers:

Sabina Leonelli (Technical University of Munich) Contrasting visions of inquiry for an open society 24 March, 9:15 am

(Hörsaal Anatomie)

Naomi Oreskes (Harvard University) DeGruyter Lecture: The Trouble with Supply-Side Science 24 March, 5:00 pm

(Hörsaal Anatomie – online)

Roman Frigg (London School of Economics) Stabilizing Understanding 25 March, 9:00 am

(Hörsaal Anatomie)

Lina Jansson (University of Nottingham) Explanation and Confirmation: When Loveliness Enables Likeliness 25 March, 5:00 pm

(Hörsaal Anatomie)

Kevin Elliott (Michigan State University) Values in Science: Where Have We Come from, and Where Are We Going? 26 March, 9:00 am

(Hörsaal Anatomie)

Andreas Hüttemann (University of Cologne) Leaving the Humeanism Non-Humeanism Debate behind 26 March, 4:45 pm

(Hörsaal Anatomie)


We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All proposals will be submitted electronically here.

Please note that each person can only present one paper at the GWP.2025 (whether individual or as part of a symposium; co-authorship of papers presented by others is possible). The recommended conference language is English, but contributions in German will also be considered.

Please submit this template if you intend to organize a symposium: Proposal for Symposium.

Contributed papers are invited from all fields of philosophy of science as well as from the history of science, science & technology studies (STS), and other related disciplines. Contributed papers will be clustered into parallel sessions focusing on particular topics or special sciences.


See it on Googlemaps

Satellite-Workshop „Philosophie der Physik“ (Event in German)

Der Satellitenworkshop ist Teil der „Wochenendseminare zur Philosophie der Physik“ ( und richtet sich insbesondere an Bachelor- und Masterstudierende der Physik und der Philosophie, aber auch Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen. In Fachvorträgen und Diskussionen wird den Teilnehmer*innen das Forschungsgebiet der Wissenschaftsphilosophie vorgestellt. Über die Integration in die GWP.2025 erhalten die Teilnehmer*innen dabei, wie schon zur GWP.2022, einen umfassenden Einblick in die aktuelle wissenschaftsphilosophische Forschung. Vorkenntnisse in Physik oder Philosophie sind nicht erforderlich.

Der Workshp findet am 25. und 25. März im Rahmen der GWP.2025 im Raum KH.0.015 statt.

The registration is open until February 16th, 2025. Please register via the conference tool

Conference fees are staggered with reduced fees for students and for GWP-members.

Conference Fees:

  • non-student, non-GWP-member:    90,00 €
  • non-student, GWP-member:            70,00 €
  • student, non-GWP-member:            60,00 €
  • student, GWP-member:                    40,00 €
  • optional additional fee for the conference dinner: 39,00 €

Conference fees can be payed via the online gateway of Staatsoberkasse Bayern or via bank transfer. Further payment information is provided during the registration process. If you have problems with the bank transfer do not hesitate to contact the local organizing team via We will send confirmations of receipt of your payment on a weekly basis. So please be patient for a few days.

Travelling to Erlangen

By plane: The closest airport is Albrecht-Dürer-Airport in Nuremberg. The closest International Airports are Munich and Frankfurt a.M.

By train: There are direct long-distant-train connctions to Erlangen from Berlin Hbf, Munich Hbf, Leipzig Hbf, and Nuremberg Hbf and frequent local train services from Bamberg, Erfurt Hbf, Fürth, Nuremberg Hbf, Saalfeld, and Würzburg Hbf. Erlangen is part of the city-triangle Nuremberg-Erlangen-Fürth. The three cities are connected via regional an local train services (RE and S-Bahn trains) that run approximately every 20 Minutes (more often during rush hours). There are several Erlangen stations served by local trains. The closest one to the conference venue is „Erlangen“ and is served by the lines S1, RE14, RE19, and RE29.

By car: The relevant exit on the A73 is called “Erlangen-Zentrum”. You can reach it via “Kreuz Fürth/Erlangen” on the A3. „Kreuz Fürth/Erlangen“  can be reached from the north-east (Berlin, Leipzig) via the A9 and A3, from the north (Hamburg) via the A7 and A3, from the west (Cologne, Frankfurt) via the A3, from the south-west (Stuttgart, Karlsruhe) via the A6 (Kreuz Nürnberg-Ost), A9 and A3 and from the south (Munich) via the A9 and A3.


For accomodation options please consult the hotel list. It is advisable to also consider hotels in Fürth or Nuremberg that are close to the respective stations. Accommodation is often cheaper and both cities are well-connected to Erlangen via regional and local-train services.

Local Organizing Committee (LOC): Michael Jungert (Chair), Sabine Dika, Gerhard Ernst, Katrin Götz-Votteler, Simone Hespers, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus Mayr, Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Vanina Rodriguez-Bauer, Anna Schneider, Sebastian Schuol

Program Committee: Axel Gelfert (GWP President), Gerhard Ernst, Vera Hoffmann-Kolss, Michael Jungert, Jon Leefmann, Erasmus Mayr, Josephine Musil-Gutsch, Sebastian Schuol

Please feel free to contact the organizers if you need any further information:

FAU Kompetenzzentrum für interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftsreflexion
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Bismarckstraße 12
91054 Erlangen


Further information: German Society for Philosophy of Science